
Going to the cinema and theater in Millau

A genuine cultural project, in liaison with local life, the educational community and associations, the Millau cinema has four screening rooms (one of which is air-conditioned). The cinema, labeled “Art et Essai”, regularly offers events such as ciné-débats, ciné-goûers and programming for young audiences.

Completely renovated in 2006, the Millau theater, a vast amphitheater with 500 seats where you can enjoy an excellent view of the stage from any seat, and remarkable acoustics! It offers a wide range of programming for all kinds of audiences: concerts of all kinds, dance, circus and music shows, theatrical performances by classic and contemporary authors, one-man shows and magic shows are all presented here on a regular basis. The theater is a Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national “Art et Territoire”.

A brand-new cinema!

Heavy renovation work has been undertaken in 2021 to improve the well-being of the public as well as the reception and accessibility for people with reduced mobility. Everything has been rethought to make it a place where spectators can enjoy themselves! Now it’s your turn to enjoy it!

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