Heritage La CavalerieHeritage La Cavalerie
©Heritage La Cavalerie

The ramparts of La Cavalerie

in the heart of Larzac

A leap back in time to the Middle Ages, to understand the history of this village strongly influenced by agropastoralism.

Let us tell you a story

the history of the Cavalry

Situated beside the ancient passageway crossing the plateau from north to south, linking East and West from the ports of the Mediterranean, La Cavalerie’s vocation lies in the arable land of the Temple plain and the immense rangelands that surround it.

The Hospitaller village still exists, but it’s not immediately obvious. The discerning visitor will discover it with all its riches: fortified enclosure and its imposing gate, 18th-century houses, 17th-century mansions. In the astonishing 18th-century church, whose interior resembles that of the vaulted sheepfolds, the remains of the Templars’ church are piously preserved.

The rehabilitation of its 15th-century ramparts, earned the commune of La Cavalerie first national prize in the Rubans du Patrimoine and the Marianne d’Or in 2009.

Visit La Cavalerie

Guided tours

Guided tours for individuals are available in July and August at 10:30 a.m., 3:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Audio guides are available for guided tours the rest of the year.


Free ride

on the ramparts

Set off for a 30-minute stroll through the sumptuous vaulted rooms, one of which houses a historical treasure trove: a collection of ancient gold, silver and copper coins, bearing witness to trade during the Crusades! The 220-metre-long “chemin de ronde” invites you to take in the view of the magnificently renovated fortifications and narrow streets of this Templar Hospitaller village. Breathtaking views of the Mont du Lévézou, the Cévennes and Larzac guaranteed!

and in the village!


Equipped with a tour map, follow a signposted tour circuit including 11 points of interest with commentary and illustrations: fortified enclosure and its imposing gate, 18th-century houses, 17th-century hotels, the astonishing 18th-century church whose interior resembles that of vaulted sheepfolds…

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