Le Pourtal Fort De St Jean Dalcasot Millau Grands Causses A. HumbertLe Pourtal Fort De St Jean Dalcasot Millau Grands Causses A. Humbert
©Le Pourtal Fort De St Jean Dalcasot Millau Grands Causses A. Humbert|@AlexEvil12

Saint-Jean d'Alcas fort

A lady's fort

The exception of the Circuit Larzac Templier Hospitalier!

The boom

an abbey of nuns

Mentioned in texts as early as 1153, the village of Saint Jean d’Alcas, comprised ,at that time, only the “Mas d’Olcas”, made up of a few houses, and its church dedicated to Saint-Jean Baptiste. “Olcas” means arable (plowable) land, so suitable for farming and cattle breeding in particular. At least, land rich enough to arouse the covetousness of neighboring lords.

In1170 and 1196, the church and Mas d’Olcas became possessions of the Cistercian priory of Nonenque, affiliated to Sylvanès. This priory, located in the Annou valley, acquires a large amount of land, and its importance is such that it becomes an independent abbey. In fact,the abbess of Nonenque, as director of the abbey’s property, became the lord of the village.

A network of monastic barns was created and managed by Nonenque. In 1257, there were 7 different barns, Caussanus, Massergues, Caussanejouls, Mas Andral,…

The number of nuns living at the Abbey was quite large, as in the same year was founded the priory of Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe in the Tarn , dependent on Nonenque.

These rich lands often attracted the covetousness of the many neighboring lords.

A charm


This Cistercian village fort is of rare authenticity. With its harmonious proportions, peaceful charm and magnificent view of the Larzac foothills, it’s well worth a visit when you’re in Roquefort, after your meal inside the Fort, or your visit to Sylvanès Abbey.

From the refuge to the ramparts

As early as 1356, at the request of the local population, the Abbess of Nonenque (Lord of the place) authorized the raising of the church to add a refuge, thus enabling the villagers to entrench themselves there during thepillage of the Hundred Years’ War.

Slowly, the refuge was no longer sufficient, and as early as 1439, the construction of fortifications leaning against the church again was decided.
4 years later, the Fort de Saint-Jean-d’Alcas was completed.

At just over 10 meters high and over 1.50 meters thick in places, the truckers and skinners plundering Larzac never laid siege to the fort.
The ramparts ran the entire length of the fortified enclosure. In fact, during your visit, you’ll find part of the parapet walk inside the upper rooms.


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