Aventure Explor'game Cité De Pierres 3laetitia Raisin RobertAventure Explor'game Cité De Pierres 3laetitia Raisin Robert
©Aventure Explor'game Cité De Pierres 3laetitia Raisin Robert|laetitia Raisin Robert

La Cité de pierres in Montpellier le vieux

Let your imagination be your guide!

Suspended time, imaginary landscapes…at the Cité de Pierre in Montpellier le Vieux

A world


Consisting of ruiniform dolomitic rocks, the Chaos of Montpellier-le-Vieux plunges you into a fantastic universe.

These limestone rocks have been sculpted naturally by erosion and have taken on strange shapes over time: the Gate of Mycenae, the Queen’s face, morel rock… free to imagine and interpret these landscapes, free to adopt the type of discovery that suits them best.

“A forest of stone” “a real natural labyrinth” or a “thousand-year-old zoo”…

A world


The little train ride is the visit in farniente mode, for all those who want to discover the site without effort. 50 minutes of live commentary by your driver, and lots of information on the geology and flora of the Causses.

5 marked trails thread their way through all these rock formations, sometimes in the undergrowth, or on a balcony on the edge of the Gorges de la Dourbie, sometimes at the top of panoramic ridges or, on the contrary, at the bottom of a labyrinth of narrow canals. From 1h to 3h of walking on trails equipped with multilingual interpretation panels in complete freedom or guided by an instructor.

Discover the Cité de pierres’ Via Ferrata routes, all ridged with magnificent panoramic views, on reservation only:

  • the “family” version accessible from age 8, equipped with a safety system preventing any handling errors.
  • the “sporty”version, from 12 years, and its aerial then underground course, embellished with several zip lines.
    Supervision by an instructor and equipment provided.
    Picnic area.

No doubt that everyone will find something to enjoy here!

City of Stones 2.0

The Stone City is also revealed via an Explor’Game, which is a game of exploration and adventure, combining orienteering courses, challenges and riddles with the help of a digital tablet. You become the hero of an extraordinary adventure and embark on a fantastic journey through a scripted outdoor course.
Your mission: to liberate the Amathi civilization, petrified for millennia.

Other rocky chaos in Aveyron

Accessible all year round, the causses also boast many other rocky chaotic sites, although smaller than Montpellier-le-Vieux: Roquesaltes on the Causse Noir, Rajal del Gorp on the Larzac plateau, perfect settings for family outings.

An Arboretum

A rich flora full of surprises

Contrasting with the aridity of the Causse Noir, the Cité de pierres is a privileged domain for vegetation.

The shelter of the rocks and the diversity of exposures have favored the blossoming of a very varied flora: Scots pine, white oak, beech, boxwood, juniper, dogwood, pulsatile anemones, adonis, orchis and ophris… and many more!”16 tree species from the Causse to discover.

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