Rock and Via ferrataRock and Via ferrata
©Rock and Via ferrata|Alexandre Humbert

Via Ferrata du Boffi

The Boffi via ferrata, 15 minutes from Millau, offers a splendid view of the Dourbie gorges.

The Via Ferrata de Boffi is closed every year from March 15 to June 15.
Access forbidden during the Red-billed Chough nesting season.
Thank you for your understanding.

Rock and Via ferrataRock and Via ferrata
©Rock and Via ferrata
A new-generation via

Completely redesigned in 2015, the via ferrata at Boffi offers two routes, one easy and one difficult, with numerous escape routes to suit novices and more experienced climbers alike.

From the parking lot, you need to follow the track for about 20 minutes to reach the start of the via.
On the way, you can already tell that the scenery is going to be grandiose… The closer you get to the starting point, the more this is confirmed.

Rock and Via ferrataRock and Via ferrata
©Rock and Via ferrata
Varied modules for a wow effect!

Filets, zip lines and footbridges will enhance your stroll along the bars, offering you a unique panorama of the Dourbie Gorges and, in the distance, the immense Millau Viaduct.


Our recommendations
  • Use the right equipment that complies with standards. Rental companies are at your disposal with appropriate equipment that complies with the latest developments.
  • Don’t assume your abilities. Despite free access to the via ferrata, if you’re a first-time climber, we recommend that you get professional supervision.
  • Scrupulously respect current regulations. In particular, it is forbidden to access the via from March 15 to June 15, a quiet period for the nesting of a species of the corvidae family.
  • Be respectful of other users and of this environment. Hikers, climbers and other via ferrata users live together in this majestic but fragile space. Store and tie up your belongings so as not to drop anything.


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