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Via Ferrata de Liaucous

The Liaucous via ferrata overlooking the Tarn valley on the Causse de Sauveterre foothills

The village of Liaucous

Lots of eyes, lots of arms!

Nested in the foothills of the Causse du Sauveterre, the village of Liaucous is a typical Caussenarde gem, with houses steeped in history and beautifully restored.

From the parking lot, the scenery is simply splendid with its majestic cliffs, enhanced in spring by lush blooms. On the way to the start, you’ll find the Agudes terrace, where you can buy supplies or hire equipment. From here, a short approach walk (20 min) will warm you up before the activity.


The routes

The Liaucous via ferrata offers two routes: an “easy” one and an “extremely difficult” one.

Don’t take the “extremely difficult” one lightly. The via ferrata activity is listed in a national guide, and it’s this guide that calibrates the difficulties, so be aware of the technical level of this one.

Once on the cliffs, the variety of workshops and landscapes will seduce you, but there’s no need to reveal everything…

The return route will take you across the terraces, historical heritage of local cultures of yesteryear. It’s very important to follow the main path to preserve this heritage.


Our recommendations:

  • Use the right equipment that complies with standards. Rental companies are at your disposal with suitable equipment that complies with the latest developments.
  • Don’t assume your abilities. Despite free access to the via ferrata, if you’re a first-time climber, we recommend that you seek professional guidance.
  • The return route crosses former crop terraces. Make sure you always follow the main path, otherwise this heritage will disappear.
  • Be respectful of other users and of this environment. Hikers, climbers and other via ferrata users cohabit in this majestic but fragile space.
  • Put away and tie up your belongings so as not to drop anything.


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