Le Cade, in the extension of the Pouncho d’Agast, is dear to the hearts of Millavois. It has to be said that, just a few kilometers from Millau, this easy stroll has everything to please. Like a “little house on the prairie”, the magnificent Ferme du Cade is surprisingly beautiful, in its Caussen style and bucolic setting. Crossing the black pine forests of the Causse Noir is anything but gloomy, quite the contrary, especially enhanced by carpets of bearberry and other flowers with an exceptional palette of shapes and colors. Passing along the Corniches de la Dourbie offers a series of captivating panoramas both of the Dourbie valley floor and of Larzac, opposite, or the outskirts of Millau.The Fontaine del Salze (du Saule) still flows even if its multiple stone “troughs” struggle to fill up. And don’t forget to look up to appreciate vautours and paragliders…