Corcniches du Méjean hikeCorcniches du Méjean hike
©Corcniches du Méjean hike|Faustine Costes

Top hikes in the Gorges du Tarn

Hiking, marvelling, sharing
Awe-inspiring routes

A selection of hiking and walking musts, the essential Causse landscapes and hidden treasures of the Gorges du Tarn. They all rival in variety and splendor. What a surprise it is to come across such astonishing spiritual sites as the Ermitage St Michel or St Pons. The beauty of these sites contributes to the elevation of the soul.

1- The Corniches du Méjean

Challenge the cliffs above the Tarn and Jonte rivers for 10.5 km. Guess which rock is the vase de Sèvres and which is the vase de Chine? Observe the vultures’ nests, and look up: the falcons and monk vultures are your guides. You may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the latest reintroduced species: the bearded vulture, or even the very rare Egyptian vulture.

Flight up to the balcon du Vertige and overlook the void above the Jonte gorges: a feeling of freedom and grandiose overwhelms you: wow how beautiful it is!

Plan for 4 good hours of walking with a positive vertical drop of almost 1000m: so take your picnic and plenty of water.

Good to know: in summer, take a short detour for a cool break at the Teil fountain, on the Tarn side.

2- Troglodyte Villages

Get to the perched village ofLiaucous for the region’s favorite hike.

The trail winds easily along the ledges of the Gorges du Tarn. Go from surprise to surprise: ancient terraces of vines and almond trees and 2 amazing troglodytic hamlets accessible only on foot, Eglazines and St Marcellin. Imagine the isolated life of the inhabitants. What emotion in the face of this tranquility, what chills under the falaises du Causse de Sauveterre!

14 km and 5 hours of actual walking for this hike. Plan the day with breaks and picnic. The announced altitude difference of800 meters is manageable as the climb is gradual: it gets a little steeper after St Marcellin but the site of the Paillasse fountain is there to refresh you!

At the hamlet of Vors, the view is panoramic, 360° over the Grands Causses with the Millau Viaduct in the distance.


Good to know: there are several possibilities for doing this itinerary: a round trip from Liaucous to Eglazines (Balade familiale), or from the parking lot below St-Marcellin, in a loop using the variants. One of the variants takes you to the Roc des Agudes, all the way to “Bout du Monde”!

3- Le Roc des Hourtous

Your tour (9 km) starts at the La Malène bridge, on the banks of the Tarn, and takes you up to the Causse Méjean. The climb through the old cultivated terraces is physical (about 1h30), but offers many views of the deep Détroits and the preserved hamlet of Hauterives.

Arrived at the ferme caussenarde de Rieisse, that’s it, you’re on the Méjean plateau, oufff…! Join Roc de Serre to admire the wild panorama over the gorges with this 600 m round-trip variant. Through pastures and forests, the belvedere of the Roc des Hourtous comes into view: the hamlet of La Croze looks tiny. Facing you, the cirque des Baumes reigns supreme.

According to the adage: Everything that goes up, comes down… The path through the forest is steep, and the descent is technical.

4. The three Méjean hamlets

Cliffs make your head spin … ? Explore the Causse Méjean, limestone and desert on an easy 8.5 km trail. Wind your way between the Causse hamlets,Drigas, Le Buffre and Hures. Let yourself be overcome by a sense of freedom and tranquillity amidst the desert landscapes that shelter dolines and avens beneath your feet. Take a selfy on these immense steppes of dry grass: your friends will think you’re in Mongolia…Sitting on a low wall or draille, enjoy the purity of the blue sky or the starry skies of warm summer evenings.

This hike is to be avoided on hot afternoons.


Good to know: At Le Villaret, Przewalski’s horses, the last wild horses in the world, graze freely on the wide expanses of the Causse Méjean. Try to catch a glimpse of them!

5. La Baousse del Biel

Starting from the hamlet of La Bourgarie, on the Causse Méjean, the 1st part of the circuit (8 km) runs along the corniches du Tarn (those prone to vertigo should refrain). Follow the yellow-marked upper path, otherwise take the lower path and the Pas de l’Arc to cross the impressive Cinglegros ladders. Along the way, on the cliffside overlooking the Tarn, a spectacular Arc de Triomphe stands before you: the Baousse del Biel or bosse du vieux in Occitan. Easy return via the plateau and the ruined hamlet of Volcégur.

6. Hermitage Saint Michel

This is THE hike for hot summer days! 9km – elevation gain 600m.

Starting from the village of Peyreleau, climb to the top of the Causse Noir to reach the antennae and the famous Champignon préhistorique rock. Then walk along the impressive ledges to the Ermitage Saint-Michel.

Plan B for those afraid of heights: access via the Causse Noir, to the prieuré de Saint-Jean-des-Balmes.

The Saint-Michel hermitage and its old walls suspended from enormous tabular rocks: iron ladders allow you to access the ruins with care, and reach the top of the rocks. Overlook the Gorges de la Jonte, an invitation to contemplation!

Refreshing return along the Jonte river.

7. GR Gorges et Vallée du Tarn, from Florac to Le Rozier

Follow the meandering river Tarn on a 2 or 3 day itinerary or on a family outing in short sections, between 5 and 12 km from the villages. It’s easy, peaceful and refreshing up river,between La Malène and Hauterives or between Le Rozier and La Sablière. The giggles coming from the canoes punctuate your stroll. Cirques and rocky chaos compete for ranking between typical villages and hamlets. Vultures watch over your well-being.


Good to know: in summer, the tourist shuttle is a handy way to get back to your starting point.

8. Les Arcs Saint Pierre

Play hide-and-seek behind ruiniform rocks and 3 large stone arches. A 1h30 walk between rocks and fir trees starting at La Viale (commune of St Pierre des Tripiers) on the Jonte side of the Causse Méjean. Imagine the ocean arriving here, covering the causses and digging the arches …. millions of years ago…it’s a dream come true…

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