With around 3,000 km of marked trails, it’s best to know which circuit you’re on!
Small PR hiking trails, Mr Clapassou’s Nature and Heritage hikes, long 2 or multi-day itinerant hikes with the GR 71C-D,GR62, GR de Pays Tour du Causses de Sauveterre not forgetting the new GR 736 Gorges and valley of the Tarn, the possibilities are immense, you’re going to have to make some choices!
Our Top day hikes or Top family walks are here to help! A selection of must-do and mythical itineraries.
Drive along the ledges of the plateau du Larzac to appreciate Millau seen from above or explore the trails of the splendid Gorges du Tarn. A surprise always awaits you at the crossroads: grandiose landscapes and breathtaking viewpoints, spectacular rock formations characteristic of limestone reliefs, typical man-made heritage (lavogne, buissières, cazelles, clapas…), majestic fauna and flora endemic to the Causses in spring…