Long 72 kms from its source at the foot of the Mont Aigoual to Millau, where it finishes its course by mixing its waters with the Tarn, the Dourbie remains the river of reference for many trout fishermen.
The entry to the river is straightforward, at the very gates of the town. Just cross the Tarn via the Cureplat bridge to reach the Dourbie. The first few kilometers already offer some superb runs, before entering the gorges in earnest, some 3 kms further on.

In the gorges de la Dourbie, good fishing spots abound, but that doesn’t mean the fishing is easy! Wild trout see you coming from afar…. In fact, the whole of La Dourbie is under patrimonial management. In other words, there is no stocking or release of trout. The river is healthy and the reproduction rate is high enough to let nature take its course. It goes without saying that such an unspoilt natural setting deserves only attentive, highly respectful anglers.
Whether you’re fishing with a toc, minnow, soft lure or fly, most techniques can help you get a nice fish out of the water.
Supplied regularly by resurgences that keep it cool even in the height of summer, the Dourbie undoubtedly offers an exceptional fish population. Add to this an exceptional setting and crystal-clear waters most of the time, and you’ll understand why we see so many smiling anglers on its banks!
Good to know: Between Millau and Saint-Jean-du-Bruel, for 40 km the Dourbie flows through limestone gorges that are relatively easy to access. Upstream from St-Jean, the river flows through granite and gorges that are more deeply incised for a more sporting approach.