Jonte Img9574 2©Jonte Img9574 2Les Grandes voies des Gorges de la JonteTo climb the Jonte is to follow in the footsteps of the pioneers of local climbing. Half a century later, the magic of the site is still at work… Forget the old wooden...Read moreImg 0506©Img 0506The routes of the Gorges de la DourbieA gigantic canyon between the causse noir and the causse du Larzac, the Dourbie offers incredible climbing sensations, suitable for everyone! Read moreRando Echelles Cinglegros Aventure 7 Gorges Du Tarn Laetitia Raisin Robert©Rando Echelles Cinglegros Aventure 7 Gorges Du Tarn Laetitia Raisin Robert|Laetitia Raisin RobertThe Gorges du Tarn routesLovers of grandiose landscapes, let yourself be seduced by the crystal-clear waters of the Tarn and a particularly well-preserved dream setting. Read more
Circuit Vtt Electrique Gorges Du Tarn Lezbroz Crtloccitanie 0039097 Md Min©Circuit Vtt Electrique Gorges Du Tarn Lezbroz Crtloccitanie 0039097 Md MinMillau, a cycling destinationRoads, tracks, trails, all surfaces can now be “pedaled”, and the Grands Causses are once again in an excellent position for many activities! Mountain biking,...Read morePeche P1040968©Peche P1040968Fishing around Millau in AveyronThe Aveyron, with its 8700 Kms of rivers and 4000 hectares of 1st and 2nd category lakes, occupies a prime position in the fishing world. The Aveyron, with its 8700 Kms of...Read moreFestival Templiers 2023 22 Shootin Factory Greg Alric©Festival Templiers 2023 22 Shootin Factory Greg Alric|greg alricMillau Trail LandFrom Millau, access the nearest trails. All year round, from Sunday runners to regular runners, choose your trail! Read moreClimbing Grande Voie Gorges Du Tarn Copyright Remi Flament Pact Gdt Crtloccitanie 0037637 Md Min©Climbing Grande Voie Gorges Du Tarn Copyright Remi Flament Pact Gdt Crtloccitanie 0037637 Md MinClimbing from Millau to the GorgesGorges du Tarn, Gorges de la Jonte or Gorges de la Dourbie: 3 mythical gorges and climbing spots in Aveyron and Lozère whose reputation is well established! Read moreRandonnee Du Mejean Vases Clara Ferrand Wildroad Crtloccitanie 0039135 Md Min©Randonnee Du Mejean Vases Clara Ferrand Wildroad Crtloccitanie 0039135 Md MinHiking toursSynonymous with freedom and wide-open spaces, a trip from Millau in any season is a taste of adventure! Read moreParagliding Flight in front of Millau Viaduct Activites Nature 2 Millau @alexevil12©Paragliding Flight in front of Millau Viaduct Activites Nature 2 Millau @alexevil12|Alexandre HumbertParagliding in MillauMillau has found its place in the world of hang gliding as well as paragliding. Fly over Millau with its Viaduct in the background and discover the Grands Causses from the air...Read moreRock and Via ferrata©Rock and Via ferrata|Alexandre HumbertVia ferrataHold on to your lanyards: departure for the cliffs of the Grands Causses is imminent. Read moreCani Canoe Emmene Ton Chien 13©Cani Canoe Emmene Ton Chien 13Canoeing in Millau and the GorgesWhat a pleasure it is to let yourself be carried along on a sunny day!Do you fancy trying your hand at canoeing in the Gorges du Tarn between Aveyron and Lozère, or in the...Read more