Viaduc De Haut En Bas Randonnee Face Au Viaduc C Greg Alric Shoot Infactory 15 MinViaduc De Haut En Bas Randonnee Face Au Viaduc C Greg Alric Shoot Infactory 15 Min
©Viaduc De Haut En Bas Randonnee Face Au Viaduc C Greg Alric Shoot Infactory 15 Min

The Millau Viaduct from top to bottom

in active mode

When nature and architecture become one…for a day of pure pleasure and change of scenery!

par groupe privé
A réaliser en
1 day
Sur demande
min 20 pers. max 40 pers.

Hiking day

and canoe or paddle
  • Morning 7 KM hike: Fauna, flora and heritage + guided tour of the P2 pile, the highest in the world.
  • Afternoon: 10 KM canoe, kayak or paddle. From the feet of the giant to Comprégnac and its dovecote.

Exclusive and gentle rando-canoë adventurewith a fun, friendly, professional, educational team, in love with a nature they preserve. First part of the day: a hike around the Millau Viaduct and the Tarn Valley.
The Millau Viaduct is grandiose with this country-style approach! You may see it on a daily basis, but it’s an imposing sight!
7km of hiking, or rather strolling, as the route is easy and rather downhill, a botanical and wildlife journey through time, a stroll that’s both fun and instructive. Pierre is a true expert, passing on his passion and values with enthusiasm and pride. After a short climb, the trail takes us directly to the foot of the pile P1 of the Millau Viaduct. Ahead of us, 94m of concrete (not counting the steel pylon above). It’s one of the smallest piers, so you can walk between its 2 branches. The descent to pier P2 turns into a botanical treasure hunt in the footsteps of the Giant! Entering the Viaduct: entering the Giant’s lair… enter the interior of the Millau Viaduct, in pier P2, the world record for height! Cock-a-doodle-doo! A lovely privilege to be here!

Descend the Tarn by canoe, kayak or paddlein the footsteps of the beavers: 10km down the Tarn with the start line marked by the reflection of the Millau Viaduct deck in the water. Classy, isn’t it? Around a bend in the Tarn, a village clinging to a cliff gently takes shape: this is Peyre, one of the “Plus Beaux Villages de France “. On one side, the Millau Viaduct, the first engineering structure of the 21st century, and on the other, Peyre, a thousand-year-old architectural feat. Man’s genius throughout history, and in the middle, a river: the Tarn. An encounter with a passionate team. An unusual discovery of the Viaduct, on foot BETWEEN and THROUGH its piers. A guided canoe trip down the Tarn, so you don’t have to paddle like an idiot. Exploring a rich, unspoilt natural environment.

Away from the beaten track, on footpaths or along the water’s edge, discover the Millau Viaduct in its unspoilt environment, so rich in heritage, fauna, flora, history… Much more than an excursion, this is a genuine gentle adventure to experience and share with family or friends, full of wonderful discoveries. You’ll almost think you’re an explorer, hiking and canoeing!

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