Aventure Explor'game Cité De Pierres 3laetitia Raisin RobertAventure Explor'game Cité De Pierres 3laetitia Raisin Robert
©Aventure Explor'game Cité De Pierres 3laetitia Raisin Robert|laetitia Raisin Robert

La Cité de Pierres in Montpellier le Vieux

in Montpellier le Vieux
An unusual and imaginary universe!

Let your imagination guide you to the Cité de Pierres in the heart of the Causse Noir! A unique experience in Europe’s largest rocky chaos!

A réaliser en
30 minutes
Pâques à Toussaint

“A stone forest”, “a real natural labyrinth”, or even a “thousand-year-old zoo”…This imaginary city designed by nature, stretches over 120 ha of rocks where the poetic, the sporty, and even the jaded will find their happiness.

As a family, there are plenty of trails to choose from: natural tracks, developed and signposted paths, suitable for all levels, make the Cité de Pierres a true hiking paradise… but not only: little train, Explor’Games, via-ferrata and zip lines.

Come back on a guided hike, follow your guide around the countless ruiniform dolomitic rocks,
pass through a cave and tackle the riches of the local flora and fauna.

La Cité de Pierres à Montpellier-Le-Vieux
La Cité de Pierres à Montpellier-Le-Vieux
La Cité de Pierres à Montpellier-Le-Vieux

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