Festival Templiers 2023 20 Shootin Factory Greg AlricFestival Templiers 2023 20 Shootin Factory Greg Alric
©Festival Templiers 2023 20 Shootin Factory Greg Alric|greg alric

Images and videos of the Templiers trail


The Festival des Templiers is characterized above all by the beauty of its landscapes! We’ll let you discover what’s in store…

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Even when focused on your lens, it’ll be hard not to marvel at your surroundings. The Grands Causses region is yours to explore, and you might just take the time to stop and take THE souvenir photo. Just what you need to show that YES, you did it!”

Photographers are also on hand to immortalize you, and you can find the photo gallery a little later, so you can relive the race all year round.

Relive the 2021 edition

trail des templiers 2021
trail des templiers 2021
trail des templiers 2021

Discover the superb images of 2021:

(Royalty-free photos for the Festival des Templiers 2021 by Greg Alric)

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