Parade Noel Millau 1 Bernardvandesavel 11 MinParade Noel Millau 1 Bernardvandesavel 11 Min
©Parade Noel Millau 1 Bernardvandesavel 11 Min

Millau's magical Christmas stroll

An eagerly awaited event

Since 2014, more and more spectators have been coming to see the parade’s magical procession. But what makes it so unique?

The grand parade becomes

la balade féerique in 2023!

Dancers, princesses, heroes, animals and other magical characters will light up the eyes of young and old alike.

Don’t miss this new edition …

Close to your heroes

Some of the characters approach the audience, especially the children, to say hello. This is the time to have your photo taken with the most famous of them. Each year, a new theme is chosen, along with a number of key characters.

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