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©100km coverage 2023

100km from Millau

In Millau every last Saturday in September for 50 years!

Next edition: 28/09/2024

Beyond fashions and changes

The 100 bornes, as the event’s intimates call it, is a historic event. Created in 1972, today it is a true “survivor” in the world of road running. In the face of the growing success of trail running, and on the strength of its half-century of existence, it has withstood all fashions, all challenges!

A running event that has become a veritable myth!

It is essentially run on tarmac roads and belongs to the grand-fond family. And when you’re the “oldest” of the French 100 kilometers, you owe it to yourself to keep the bar high and live up to your reputation.

And what a reputation it is!

Runners come from all over France and far beyond to run the mythical Millau 100 kilometers at least once in their lives. Doing the Millau 100Kms once is the “bare minimum”, because so many runners come back again and again, totally addicted to the event. The result is a great family atmosphere, like a unique popular festive spirit that has animated the race and runners for 50 years.
A festive spirit that hasn’t prevented the Millau 100Km from supporting the French championships 3 times.

Its reputation also comes from numbers. You don’t run alone in Millau: a few thousand runners (3,800 runners in 1991, an all-time record), almost as many companions and an ever-present public. The stimulating effect is guaranteed to give this race its reputation and make for some fine sporting performances.

“I did it!”

Of course, there’s the ticking clock, the elites, the records, the individual performances… But for many runners, the sole, almost obsessive objective is just to finish the race. Because it’s an indescribable source of pride to reach the ultimate Grail and be able to say “I’ve done it! To be a “centbornard” and a “finisher” is worth all the medals!


100 km from Millau

It’s uphill… and downhill!

The event begins with a 42.2 km loop along the Tarn, on which a marathon is contested at the same time; Almost a warm-up for some! Already a great event for others…

The race profile here is relatively smooth, despite a few slight false flats on the first part up to the village of ROZIER. After this village, the second part is slightly more hilly, with a series of large speed bumps…

This first marathon swallowed, you’re back in Millau. You’re “hot” and ready to tackle the next part…

And what a next part it is!

A masterful 57.8 kms round trip between Millau and Saint-Affrique. A route that also includes two real, steep climbs, including the famous Col de Tiergues, which has made many a runner suffer over the past 50 years (and incidentally, a few companions!)
Climbs all the more formidable, as you’ll have to overcome them in both directions.

Direct consequences of gravity: Experienced runners finish the event in 15 to 25 min more than for a “flat” 100 km.

A round trip under the famous Millau Viaduct!

However, lift up your head a little and don’t run 100 km with your nose in your shoes…
Because the 100 kms de Millau takes place in a setting that is anything but monotonous. And the icing on the cake is the famous Viaduct, which you’ll have plenty of time to contemplate as you pass beneath the famous monument.

A race in the region's DNA

"So popular..."

A race that seems to have been there forever… “it’s OUR race” … words from millavois!!
In Millau, seeing the runners come and go surprises no one any more… An enthusiasm carried along by the volunteers too, faithful to the post since the beginning for some!

A race behind the scenes too…

An opportunity to remember that this type of event is nothing without the investment and passion of the hundreds of little hands who work voluntarily to make the party a great one! The performance is also behind the scenes.

Strange ghosts in shorts…

The spectacle of the “survivors of the night” must have come as a surprise to more than one passing visitor, strangers to the world of racing and crossing Millau in the early hours of the morning… Strange indeed to see those who arrive long after the first, those who arrive in the morning, haggard, hobbling, full of sweat and suffering. Have these spectators even noticed the little spark that continues to glow in the eyes of these ghosts in shorts?
A little flame that will only be extinguished once the finish line has been crossed. Finishing the 100Kms is sometimes a long, long ordeal, where only extraordinary morale can get you through the final kilometers.

Did you know?
  • During the 22nd edition in 1993, the race is halted for the first time due to a violent and brutal thunderstorm that hits the valley
  • A mysterious runner regularly registers under a false identity; later, we learn that he’s the boss of the GIGN.
  • The former star host of La Chasse aux trésors, Philippe de Dieuleveult, comes to Millau on several occasions with cameramen from France 2 who follow him on motorcycles, as does Samuel Étienne in 2014, the presenter of the national edition of France 3’s 12/13.
  • In 1985, two riders are ranked 1st, Bruno Scelsi and Bernard Rossetti. They reached the finish line together with a time of 7 h 8 min 48 s, but classified in different categories.
  • In 1991, the race recorded a record participation with 3,800 participants
  • In 2017, Sports Minister Laura Flessel gave the start of the Millau 100 km with 2,103 participants.
  • The event record is 6h28 for men (since 1990) and 8h21 for women (2023)

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