Balade Aux Caves Dentre Deux Monts Ot Millau Grands Causses A. HumbertBalade Aux Caves Dentre Deux Monts Ot Millau Grands Causses A. Humbert
©Balade Aux Caves Dentre Deux Monts Ot Millau Grands Causses A. Humbert

The Grands Causses, a Giant Theatre of Light and Shadow

What an ugly word to use to describe these majestic sculptures that Mother Nature has fashioned by erosion on the rocks that grow like mushrooms on the Causses and dominate the ledges of the Gorges.

Aventure Théâtre D'ombre Cité De Pierres 7©laetitia Raisin RobertAventure Théâtre D'ombre Cité De Pierres 7©laetitia Raisin Robert
©Aventure Théâtre D'ombre Cité De Pierres 7©laetitia Raisin Robert
Cyrano de Bergerac

His imagination will bring them to life!

Edouard-Alfred Martel, great explorer and father of modern speleology, became interested in the Grands Causses, the Gorges du Tarn, de la Jonte and de la Dourbie as early as 1883.

As his explorations progressed, he mapped both above and below ground and named the main rocks based on their shape… His imagination would bring them to life!

Today, every visitor, hiker will encounter the Dog’s Head, the Face of Christ, the Brides, the Prehistoric Mushroom, the Sevres Vase, the Dromedary, the Hen… It’s poetic and above all great fun!

By the way, Edouard-Alfred Martel has just invented tourism, opening up his discoveries to visitors, proposing a tour of the Gorges du Tarn by boat, taking travelers from Paris to Millau with the Cie de Chemin de Fer du Midi…

Cyrano's nose, Arc de Triomphe, Badger's eyes...

The best example lies in the Cité de Pierres, explored and mapped by Martel, to be discovered on foot, by small train, via-ferrata, explore game…
The Gate of Mycenae, the Nose of Cyrano, the Arc de Triomphe, the Eyes of the Badger, the Crocodile, the Bear Head, the Sphinx, the Elephant….

All over the Grands Causses, Gorges du Tarn, de la Jonte and de la Dourbie, the ruiniform rocks are the backdrop for a Giant Theatre of Light and Shadow. And you’re the actor… or the gladiator in this playful, poetic bestiary!

This is "pareidolia" °_- !

Have you ever recognized a shape in a stain on the ceiling? observed a fantastic creature in a cloud? seen a face or an animal in an everyday object?

This kind of optical illusion, the result of your overactive imagination ^^ is actually explained scientifically: it’s pareidolia!

Whether you’re a child or an adult, it’s fascinating to see just how far your imagination can take you!

It's up to you!

So have fun and open your eyes wide!
Become one of the cartographic explorers of the Millau Grands Causses territory.

Complete the album, share your discoveries with your vision on social networks with the
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Now it’s your turn to play!

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