In the middle of the water, the icing on the cake, or rather the “binouse” on the boat, we taste 100% local produce. A magical adventure bathed in conviviality and sharing.
Canoeing & Aperitifs on the Tarn
Tarn has a taste for hops
Canoe Apero Faustine Costes
Our canoe outings

The Tarn Valley towards the village of Comprégnac
To get there I take the road along the Tarn below Millau. The valley is less steep than the Gorges du Tarn upstream… but just as wild. Here, you can feel the river taking its ease.
A passage under the famous Viaduc de Millau, we always admire its height… I’ve heard that it settles with time and would lose 10 centimeters every 10 years?!
Peyre looms in the distance. Listed as one of France’s Most Beautiful Villages, just 7 kilometers from Millau, it offers an unrivalled view of the Viaduct. You can easily contemplate it, take photos of it and even draw it if you follow the sketch trail set up in the village. Take a stroll through the stone streets and visit the troglodytic church. There are even ducks in the village… can you find them?!

The CanoEscapade base: meet a Vendée family and a passionate instructor
I am welcomed by the masters of the premises: Gaëtan, Greg and Luka.
Luka will be our guide on the water. The evening’s participants: Julie, Ludo, better known by the pseudonym “dodu”, Lola, Elliot and Emma, who have come from Vendée to spend a vacation in Aveyron.
We’re gearing up in the geodesic sphere… What’s that?! A geodesic sphere is a spherical structure made up of triangular wooden elements. The dome can be used for private events, but also for nature-related activities. Through sensory, visual and physical challenges, alone or with the family, we learn about the nature that surrounds us.
Vest, paddle, waterproof can, vulture… vulture?! A magnificent representation of a vulture decorates the dome. A familiar animal in the area! Back to the starting point for the descent. We listen attentively as Luka tells us about the origin of the canoe. I won’t spoil it for you – you’ll find out for yourself when you take part in the activity. In any case, I can tell you that canoes weren’t originally designed from plastic…
Our instructor is conscientious, taking the time to explain in detail how to maneuver our canoes and the role of each participant. The one at the front will be the engine and the one at the back will be the rudder. The key to a successful canoe trip: good communication!
The launch: between anxiety and laughter
After instructions from our Super-Instructor, it’s time to get practical!
Practical exercise #1: handle the canoe from the bank towards the other bank without capsizing, paddling straight ahead and anticipating making a U-turn before stopping on a rock. We’ve got it!
Practical exercise n°2: turn the canoe on itself as many times as possible and stop it dead in its tracks! Well, it’s not too bad, but it could be better…
Let’s move on to the race: who’s going to win, Julie or Dodu? ball in the middle – one all round – no jealousy – aperitif for all at the end!
We’re heading for our first rapid, but first: a quick briefing stop from Luka, our attentive instructor. Understanding how to tackle a rapid, finding the “V” formed by the current, the kiss-pebble technique. What if you fall overboard? All aspects are covered: we feel confident and safe! Luka doesn’t hesitate to wet his bikini to help you, so we’re reassured!

Canoe Peyre

A fun descent: history, geology, plants, tourism
We observe the landscape, we wonder. “And why?!” Luka answers every question. You can feel the instructor’s passion.
We calmly approach a pile of wood at the edge of the bank. Has our instructor “cracked”? Does he want us to clean up the banks? Not at all, he’s showing us the beaver’s house. There’s no need to shout or ring the bell, the animal is discreet.
Then follows a captivating exchange about the beast: its disappearance, its reintroduction, its environment, its way of life. A little souvenir for Emma: a piece of wood that looks like a pig’s head, beveled by the beaver. If she sees a pig carved out of a piece of wood, what would she see in the erosion-carved rocks of the Cité de Pierres…?!
With the heat, a swim and hydration stop is in order. It’s not yet time for an aperitif… be patient! Luka tells us about a magic plant he knows about… but which can’t be smoked! He escapes and returns with some pretty little white flowers. Everyone takes their own batch of flowers in their hands. The magic is revealed in contact with water, as “soapwort” foams when rubbed wet between the hands. A real soap herb! An amusing discovery for our Vendeans!
We continue our journey, the rapids following one another but not looking the same. Alternating stretches of water and slightly bumpy sections. No danger on the horizon, but the sun breaking through the clouds to reveal its rays. A warm light that mirrors the water… a moment of contemplation in an idyllic setting.
Apéro-canoë: a moment of sharing and conviviality on the Tarn river
After the effort, the comfort. It’s time for a drink and a snack of local specialties.
Technically how is this possible? Luka pulls some carabiners out of his waterproof canister. We’d talked about an aperitif on the water, but there was no question of climbing! As you’ll have gathered, they’re used to hook the canoes together. In no time at all, we’re all gathered around the “table”. On the menu: a white beer brewed just a few miles away, pigeon pâté, tas’tidou (our fresh garlic cheese) and bread.
Everyone pitches in to make this moment a pleasant one. Julie prepares the sandwiches, Luka serves the beer and Ludo offers the children an apple juice. Curious, we explain to our guests where they can find the gourmet specialties of our region. It would be silly to leave this Aveyron holiday empty-handed.
Curious to eat and drink in a canoe in the middle of the river. Is there such a thing as “river sickness”? Luckily, the chosen spot has no current, and the bars are installed close to the bank for greater stability. The current meter is negative, but the “bièromètre” is positive. Be careful not to get up too quickly after tasting. Drink in moderation, Luka, Julie, Ludo…

Canoe Gastronomieapero

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Back on dry land from the canoe base
We enjoy the moment but the sun is setting and it’s time for us to head back to the canoe base. A few meters before arrival, Luka offers to do a review of the activity. Always attentive to detail, he wants to know what our participants think, so that we can improve on certain points.
The activity was unanimously enjoyed, and erased Julie and Lola’s fear of rapids. From “great” to “too cool” Emma and Elliott express their feelings in their own words. In short, a moment of sharing, laughter and exchanges as if we’d known each other forever. All in a warm atmosphere, thanks to Luka’s friendly welcome. A vacation memory that reminds us of the importance of preserving our common good:nature. Let’s not forget that it’s thanks to her that we were able to create this bond, for the time of a summer evening. So let’s book the next session?